NO-Bake Bird’s Nest Cookies

Ok this is my last post for August! I bring you the last of my summer no-bake series (for this year anyway), and I will soon be moving on to autumn foods!  Yeah!

summer NO-BAKE

For now, I’ll give you the low down on why I created these no-bake yum yums.  For one–like I said in an earlier post, it has been too DAMN HOT to do much of any kind of baking this summer.  So instead of slaving away in the kitchen with pans and ovens, get out a bowl, a spoon and some parchment paper, because that’s literally just about all you’re going to need.

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Also!  I made these for a very dear friend’s going away party.  I made a joke that she was “spreading her wings” and “leaving the nest”, as in moving to a completely different city for graduate school (lucky duck…. see what I did there?).  Anyway– play on words, hence the bird’s nest cookies 😉

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Be prepared for some yum-tastic goodness!

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You will need:

Large sauce pan

A big mixing bowl

A wooden spoon

Parchment paper



2 cups of granulated sugar

1/2 cup of milk or almond/cashew milk

1 stick (1/2 cup) of unsalted butter

1/4 cup cocoa – Dark chocolate dutch processed is my favorite!

1 cup of smooth or chunky peanut butter

1/2 Tablespoon of vanilla extract

1 Tablespoon of coconut oil

Generous pinch of Salt

1 1/2 cups Quick Oats

1 1/2 cups Cereal like Fiber one/cornflakes/cocoa krispies/ etc.

1 cup of Reese’s chocolate peanut butter eggs.

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  1. Combine sugar, milk, butter, and cocoa in the saucepan and heat over medium until it comes to a boil.
  2. Continuously stir the mixture and let it boil and bubble for about a minute.  Reduce heat to low and let it settle.
  3. Add peanut butter, vanilla, coconut oil, and salt to the saucepan and stir until melted and combined.
  4. Pour oats and cereal into your large mixing bowl and give it a stir.
  5. Pour the hot mixture into the mixing bowl and stir everything with your wooden spoon until well combined.
  6. Spread a large piece of parchment paper onto the counter.  Use the spoon and your hands to form lumps of “cookie dough” and space them evenly on the paper.
  7. Place Reese’s eggs in the center of each “nest” before the cookie cools.
  8. Let cookies cool for 15-20 minutes.
  9. Snap photos and share them with me on Insta! @irokthekitchen.


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